Friday, June 19, 2015

Survival Protocol: Bajai Boot Camp V: Introduction

This is happening now!

By the closing days of The Long Road Back (Bajai Boot Camp 4) my weight was down 10 pounds from the beginning of the session. I was beside myself with the feeling of accomplishment. Returning to the weight I’d been 30 years earlier had been a fantasy of mine for twenty of those years. Not a goal, but a fantasy. It didn’t become a goal until two years ago, when it looked like it was in sight. Even as recently as March of this year I was making excuses for myself, hedging with statements like, “Maybe 175 lbs. is too light for me.” But in the back of my mind I kept thinking about it. I even made small posters and drew the number 175 on them and posted them where I’d see them every day.

While I haven’t officially hit 175 as of this writing, I did hit 176.2, which strongly suggests that if I keep doing as I’m doing; maintaining the activity and the desire to keep my weight in this zone, there’s no reason not to believe I can maintain a range of 173 – 178 throughout the summer and fall; maintaining the upper realms through the winter/holiday season.

So let’s call it; Mission Accomplished – with all the cautious optimism necessary to maintain and improve.

The question is: Where do I go from here? A reminder to myself and my loyal readers, weight management is not the sole goal here. I want the actual strength and power that is expected of a fit-looking physique. I have body weight (exercise) goals, body fat goals, body composition goals, as well as weight lifting goals. There are even (what I call) ‘tricks’ that I want to be able to do, which I may be able to pull off with an extra ten pounds off my hide.

I also hit my fat-weight goal on The Long Road Back. I imagined that a 3:1 muscle mass to body fat ratio would be attractive. I had no idea exactly what it would ‘look like’ so I calculated based on where my current numbers were and came up with 82 lbs of muscle to 28 lbs of fat (which is close enough). What reality showed me was as my overall weight decreased, muscle weight decreased as well, albeit at a much slower rate than the fat. I was able to reach a best of 2.75:1 ratio (28 lbs fat, just under 78 lbs muscle.)

Notoriously, I don’t believe in maintenance. I hold that maintaining is losing and I use the analogy of walking upwards against a downwards moving escalator. My (or our) goal is to get to the top, the goal of the escalator (which represent the forces in life that seem to work again us, including unwanted weight) is to keep us down… the closer to the bottom the better. Most of us manage to stay at the center point of that escalator and when we’re young, conditioned and full of energy, it seems that all we need to get to the top is a little bit more time.

But here’s the twist. Every year that escalator moves a little bit faster. So even when we think we’re maintaining, we’re actually moving slower… losing ground. (You might have a similar experience with money.) That’s why year after year, week after week, we have to up our game. Push a little harder and stronger… or we find ourselves at the bottom of the steps, (sick, hurt, hopeless.)
Today's after picture is tomorrow's before picture.
Therefore, despite reaching my weight goal, there is still further to go, beginning with refining my fat weight goal, and discovering just how I can start building more muscle weight and develop greater strength and endurance. This is what Survival Protocol is about. Whether I imagine it as surviving some sort of zombie apocalypse, staying away from the bottom of the escalator or out distancing “Father Time” survival is the key, and BBC5 will document how I do, whether I trip along the way of not.

Aside from my own personal fitness induced fantasies, this series also provides resources, ideas and discoveries about our goals, (weight loss, body transformation, increasing energy, improved physique, health & longevity). Normally, I keep it open to those who just want to peak in for a look, this year, I will be encouraging you to subscribe and follow. There will be more charts, tables and proof that this stuff (at least the way I do it) works. I may need your feedback to keep me encouraged during those unexpected events, so I encourage you to subscribe, follow or whatever is customarily done to boost ratings.

We’ll be linking up with Minimum Wage Fitness as well, so together we might draw a little more attention than last year.

And that’s it. Chapter I (Summer) starts today. The complete two weeks of Session I will be up – in about two weeks. In the meantime I’ll be working on the data from last year. I’ve been imagining how much I can crunch these numbers to figure out how to most effectively attack my (and maybe your) goals.

KC Bajai CPT,
Human Guinea Pig, Fitness Nerd
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